Hypervisor in Cloud Computing and Types of Hypervisor

Hypervisor in Cloud Computing and Types of Hypervisor - btechvibes


A hypervisor is virtualization software or hardware that divides and allocates resources across hardware components. It allows multiple guest operating systems (OS) to run on a single host system simultaneously. Also known as a virtual machine manager (VMM), the hypervisor enables efficient resource utilization and provides isolation and abstraction. It acts as a bridge between the physical hardware and the virtual environment, ensuring smooth operation and optimal resource management in Cloud computing.

Hypervisors provide isolation and separation between the virtual machines (VMs) running on a server. Each VM operates in its own virtual environment, completely independent of other VMs. This isolation ensures that if one VM crashes or experiences issues, it does not affect the stability or performance of other VMs.

Hypervisor in Cloud Computing
Hypervisor in Cloud Computing

Types of Hypervisor

There are two main types of hypervisor in cloud computing:
  1. Type 1 Hypervisor
  2. Type 2 Hypervisor

Type 1 Hypervisor (Bare-Metal Hypervisors)

Type 1 hypervisors, also known as "Bare-Metal Hypervisors," operate directly on the underlying hardware without the need for a base server operating system (OS). They are installed directly on the physical server and have direct access to the hardware resources.
Some popular examples of Type 1 hypervisors include VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Microsoft Hyper-V.

Type 1 Hypervisor

Pros of Type 1 Hypervisor

Efficiency: Type 1 hypervisors are highly efficient as they can directly access and manage the physical hardware resources. This results in better performance and resource utilization.
Security: By eliminating the need for an intermediary OS, Type 1 hypervisors enhance security by reducing potential attack vectors.

Cons of Type 1 Hypervisor

Dedicated Machine: Type 1 hypervisors often require a dedicated machine solely for virtualization purposes. This can lead to additional hardware costs and resource allocation challenges.

Type 2 Hypervisor (Hosted Hypervisors)

Type 2 hypervisors, also referred to as "Hosted Hypervisors," operate as applications within a host operating system (OS). Unlike Type 1, they don't have direct access to the underlying hardware and rely on the host OS for hardware access.
Examples of Type 2 hypervisors include VMware Player, Oracle VirtualBox, and Microsoft Virtual PC.

Type 2 Hypervisor

Pros of Type 2 Hypervisor

Ease of Use: Type 2 hypervisors offer a user-friendly experience as they can be installed like any other software application on a host OS. They are often used for desktop virtualization or testing purposes.
Versatility: Type 2 hypervisors allow users to run multiple guest OSs alongside the host OS, making them suitable for developers, security analysts, and enthusiasts.

Cons of Type 2 Hypervisor

Performance Overhead: Type 2 hypervisors introduce an additional layer between the guest OS and the hardware, resulting in potential performance overhead compared to Type 1 hypervisors.
Security Considerations: As Type 2 hypervisors rely on the host OS for hardware access, any vulnerabilities or compromises in the host OS can potentially impact the guest OSs as well.

Note: It's important to choose the hypervisor type based on specific requirements, such as performance needs, resource management capabilities, and compatibility with existing systems. Both Type 1 and Type 2 hypervisors have their strengths and weaknesses, and the decision should align with the goals and priorities of the cloud computing environment.


Q1. What is a hypervisor in cloud computing?

Ans: A hypervisor in cloud computing is virtualization software or hardware that allows the creation and management of virtual machines (VMs) on a physical server. It enables multiple operating systems and applications to run independently on the same server, providing efficient resource allocation and isolation.

Q2. What is the hypervisor and its types?

Ans: A hypervisor is virtualization software or hardware used in cloud computing to create and manage virtual machines (VMs). There are two types of hypervisors: Type 1 (bare-metal), which runs directly on the server hardware, and Type 2 (hosted), which runs on top of an existing operating system.

Q3. What is hypervisor an example of?

Ans: A hypervisor is an example of virtualization technology, specifically a virtual machine monitor (VMM) that enables the creation and management of virtual machines in cloud computing environments.

Q4. What are the two types of hypervisor in cloud computing?

Ans: The two types of hypervisors commonly used in cloud computing are Type 1 (bare-metal) hypervisors and Type 2 (hosted) hypervisors. Type 1 hypervisors run directly on the server hardware, while Type 2 hypervisors run on top of an existing operating system.


In conclusion, hypervisors are essential components in cloud computing, enabling the creation and management of virtual machines. They offer numerous benefits, including efficient resource utilization, scalability, isolation, security, and disaster recovery capabilities. By leveraging the power of hypervisors, businesses can optimize their computing infrastructure and unlock the full potential of cloud-based solutions.
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